About the author
Robert A "Bob" James is a retired petroleum geologist who spent his career in oil and gas exploration and development. He holds a Master's degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, England and a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from the University of South Carolina, USA.
Method and program storage device for generating grids representing the architecture of fluvial reservoirs : US Patent 7340385, granted March 4th, 2008.
- James, R.*, Atan, S., Brown, P., Chen, J., Eubanks, D., Mack, D., and Yang, E., 2011, The Role of Natural and Hydraulic Fracturing and Matrix Rock Properties in Controlling Gas and Water Production from Tight Gas Sands in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, USA: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90124 © 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, April 10-13, 2011, Houston, Texas.
- Cichowski, L., Garcia, R., James, R.*, Paddock, D., and Shan. D., 2004, Redevelopment of a Mature Field in the Face of Seismic Uncertainty: Vermilion 252 Field, Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.
- James, R.A., and Ehrlich, R., 1999, Core-based investigation of NMR logging as a tool for characterization of shallow unconsolidated aquifers: Ground Water, 37 (1), 48-57.
- James, R.A., 1996, Causes of permeability variation in a Lower Cretaceous reservoir unit in the West Siberian Basin, Russia: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 13 (4), 393-406.
- James, R.A., 1995, Application of Petrographic Image Analysis to Characterization of Fluid-flow Pathways in a Highly-cemented Reservoir: Kane Field, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 13 (3/4), 141-154.
- James, R.A., 1995, Post-Jurassic tectonism in the West Siberian Basin, Russia: Journal of Petroleum Geology, 18 (2), 125-14.
Method and program storage device for generating grids representing the architecture of fluvial reservoirs : US Patent 7340385, granted March 4th, 2008.